Scorpions are probably the meanest things in the deserts. They bite a lot of stuff, but I don't think they bite cactuses. If they bite cactuses it'd be pretty weird. Cactuses are pretty spikey so you don't want to step on one or touch one. They would make you bleed and that would be pretty bad. If you had a band-aid that would be pretty good, but if you didn't that would be pretty bad. Band-aids are pretty good because they would not let germs get on the boo boo. Camels, I think they look for water all the time. They're probably pretty hungry too because I don't think there is any food in the desert. If they ate a cactus, it would hurt their throat probably. That would be silly. That would not be good for the camel. He only drinks water, like I said earlier. That's all about deserts and animals in deserts.