Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Day of First Grade!!!!

Today is my first day of first grade!  When I got to school the teacher called us by order.  I was number 19.  I think it went all the way up to 24.  The next thing we did was when she called our number (that went up to number 24) we had to go put up our stuff and we had to take stuff out of our backpacks before we put it in our cubbie.  The next thing we did was familiar reading...and I do not know what familiar reading is.  Familiar reading is probably just reading.  Then I think we went and sat on the rug and we did something.  I don't remember what we did.  Then I think we went around the school to see what every grade was...and Kindergarten too.  I saw everything before.  We also got to see our special classes.  We did that because there was some people who didn't know what everything was...the new people.  I don't remember what we did next; let's just say it was lunch.  I ate my lunch.  I think I had jello, cheezits, a cherry crystal light drink, a sandwich and a cheese stick.  The lunch was really good, but I did not take a drink of my cherry crystal light drink because I couldn't open it and I did not want them to make me open it, so I just didn't drink it.  After lunch I think we did something with a letter ball.  We had to say what was on the letter ball and the letter that was on our thumb.  I did not even get to do the ball because Mrs. Key had to say, "Stop" for us to tell her the letter that was on our thumb.  She didn't say stop when I was holding the ball, so I didn't get to tell her.  After the letter ball we did math.  In Math we put out 10 squares, 5 squares and 8 squares.  I don't remember what we did next, but we did recess at the end of the day.  We also could go where ever we wanted on the playground.  A lot of people played basketball.  There was only one net on the basketball, so they couldn't do teams.  If they did teams they would probably have to have different shirt colors.  I just stayed in the playground circle or you could call it a  square.  I just played by myself on the playground because I was looking for Dylan, but I couldn't find him so I just played on the slides and stuff and I was looking for him.  My favorite part of the day was when I got to go home with my mommy.  And that was the last thing I did.  My favorite thing while I was at school was recess, but I got really sweaty at recess.  I think I'm gonna have really fun tomorrow.  That's all.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Last Day of Summer

Tomorrow is my first day of first grade.  In first grade I hope I get to have a lot of friends and I wish we get to do a lot of fun things.  I hope I learn how to add bigger numbers than in Kindergarten.  In first grade I don't have to take a nap, but I have to do extra work instead of nap time.  Almost every day in Kindergarten I went to take a nap, but I never slept.  You don't really have to take a nap.  You just have to rest.  My first grade teacher's name is Mrs. Key.  I hope she's really fun.  I'm going to miss my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Curtis.  Mrs. Curtis moved up to first grade and she is right across the hall from me...and my class.  In first grade, I think there is recess at the end of the day.  When I was in Kindergarten I was doing Math and the first graders were playing on the playground.  Mrs. Key has Razorbacks all over the room in her class.  Mrs. Key sells tattoos when you come in to school on Fridays.  I hope I get sell tattoos someday on Fridays.